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We ask that no more than two people visit a patient at one time. Children under age 16 years are not permitted to visit unless special arrangements are made with the nurse in charge.
Learn moreAlternative Health, Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, etc. Publications
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Although World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day writes articles and provides voluminous information on T'ai Chi & Qigong, this Premiere Link is only here as a place holder to provide a visual to print publications of how their Premiere Listing might appear. WTCQD's permanent link is below in National and International Associations. | | |
Kung Fu magazine, your resource for information, entertainment and information related to the Chinese Martial and Healing Arts. This site is the virtual companion of the print version of Kung Fu magazine, with online features such as the E-ZINE, the Kungfu Forums, awesome Kungfu Resources and much, much more. | | |
The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness -- Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taijiquan and Internal Arts, Qigong and Meditation, Chinese Culture, Chinese Philosophy, Feng Shui, Online Store | | |
Associations information
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Promotes the work of T'ai Chi & Qigong teachers and
organizations of ALL STYLES, and ALL NATIONS in over 60 countries.
& South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, & Oceania.]
Provides educational resources for those new to T'ai Chi, from research, and intro-lessons, to contacts for teachers worldwide. Organizes worldwide public education events, and does media work to lead media and especially health reporters to contact schools and teachers worldwide, in order to engage the larger public in the health & healing benefits of T'ai Chi & Qigong. | | | | ||