Welcome! The World's #1 source for Tai Chi and Qigong!
One World ... One Breath
For dates of future WTCQD events see "ABOUT WTCD" tab
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day is held
each year in over 80 nations on "the last Saturday of April"
each year. April 29th, 2023 ... at 10 am local time all over the
world. It begins with mass Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and Mind Body
events in the earliest time zones of New Zealand, and then
spreads at the world turns, 10 am local time worldwide, ending
with final events in Hawaii (USA).
Search through the
TABS at the top of this page for a wealth of FREE resources to
help you get involved, attend an event, or organize one for your
city/nation. For example: If you click the EVENTS TAB at the top
of pages, it will offer you Organizing Kits, Media Kits, Free
Banner Artwork to use for your event, Opening Statements you can
read to open your event from the Founders of this global health
& healing event ... and so much more. Under the TAI CHI & QIGONG
TAB, you will find MEDICAL RESEARCH, which offers a Medical
Research Library you can use to search nearly 100 common health
issues people face--and the scientific research showing how Tai
Chi, Chi Kung, and Mind Body (Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness) can
help prevent or even treat those issues. We offer tips on
getting Government Bodies to Officially Proclaim your local
WTCQD event for your city/state/nation. We also offer those new
to Mind Body Arts tips on getting the most from them, and we
also offer Mind Body Teachers tips on how to get your teaching
into society at ALL levels; Corporate Wellness, Education,
Penal/Prison Rehabilitation, Senior Care, and Hospitals and
Health Networks.
LIST YOUR EVENT under our EVENTS TAB. We have connected over ONE
MILLION of our site visitors to local organizers, teachers,
home page. This way you can stay up to date with the global Tai
Chi & Qigong community happenings, and get tips for being
involved or organizing WTCQD events locally. We also keep you up
to date on Scientific Research on Mind Body practices like Tai
https://globaltransformationproject.org/ 's progress (see
below). We are building a worldwide Mind Body Movement (Tai Chi,
Yoga, Meditation, Chi Kung, Mindfulness) involving top
Scientists, Health, Education Experts who believe it is high
time Mind Body Education becomes part of Public Education
worldwide ... to save the world trillioins in future health &
social costs.
The Founders of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day,
William & Angela Wong Douglas, spent 40 years collecting Mind
Body and Consciousness and Social/Behavioral Science that led to
their writing a 700 page meticulously cited book of Science
("New 2nd Edition; The Gospel of Science ..." see below), which
led to involvement in The Global Transformation Project. This
Project's goal is gaining a United Nations Resolution by the UN
General Assembly advocating Mind Body Education for Public
Education worldwide. YOU CAN GET INVOLVED! At the Global
Transformation Project website, you can SIGN THE PETITION for
this UN Resolution ... William & Angela (Founders of WTCQD) have
committed to lobbying every United Nations Mission in the world
to get Co-Sponsors for this historic resolution. There is a
precedent for this, because in 2015 the UN General Assembly
passed the International Day of Yoga Resolution, setting a
record in the UN for the most co-sponsors of any resolution
before. This World Yoga Day, following the establishment of
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day, resolution was based on the same
reasoning as The Global Transformation Project's goal of
expanding world health and increasing mental clarity in the
RELEASED on JANUARY 1ST, 2022 ... a new book from the Founders of World Tai Chi and Qigong Day, 2nd Edition of "The Gospel of Science: Mind Blowing New Science on Ancient Truths to Heal Our Stress, Lives, and Planet." 700 pages of meticulously cited scientific research showing how Alph-Theta Brain Wave producing Mind-Body Education (Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness) included as a core part of Public Education worldwide can: Save the planet trillions of dollars in future saved healthcare costs, reduce violence and social issues, and literally increase "coherent consciousness" throughout the entire planet! This unique publication will explain the rationale behind the World Tai Chi and Qigong Day sponsored "GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION PROJECT," a global Campaign for a UNITED NATIONS RESOLUTION-ADVOCATING SCIENCE BASED MIND-BODY EDUCATION (Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness) AS A CORE PART OF PUBIC EDUCATION WORLDWIDE.
This unprecedented publication provides just received data, showing that events like "World Tai Chi and Qigong Day" "International Day of Yoga" "World Meditation Day", etc. LITERALLY INCREASED the "COHERENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS" PLANET WIDE!
The science is in on this ... time to USE SCIENCE in PUBLIC EDUCATION WORLDWIDE!
Official January 16th, 2021 WTCQD Summit
On January 16th, between 2 pm and 4 pm (Eastern USA Time) WTCQD's Online Summit features "Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi" author, Dr. Peter Wayne, discussing/debating the burning issue "WHAT IS THE SCIENCE ON QI?" with Dr. Richard Hammerschlag, neurobiologist and complimentary and alternative medicine (CAMS) physician
... Click here to see details more on Summit speakers, click below to watch Summit in its entirety ...
Tax Deductible
DONATIONS enable us to keep these amazing resources FREE. Thank you for helping us do this.
Sept. 2020 Summit Recording!
On September 2020 we had our SECOND Offical World Tai Chi and Qigong Day Online Summit.
Click to see this extraordinary line-up of Internal Arts experts, and click below to view entire Summit video. We recorded
it, and we are offering them to you for FREE, on a donation basis. Please support our work if you can!
Tax Deductible
DONATIONS enable us to keep these amazing resources FREE. Thank you for helping us do this.
Recordings of April 25th, 2020 Summit, FREE Online.
On April 25th, 2020 we had our FIRST Offical World Tai
Chi and Qigong Day Online Summit, with an extraordinary line up of renowned Internal Arts legends,
click to see their bios. We recorded them in their entirety, and put
them into a high-quality course on elightenment.com, click below to view.
Tax Deductible
DONATIONS enable us to keep these amazing resources FREE. Thank you for helping us do this.
The inspiration for the Global Transformation Project ... World Tai Chi
& Qigong Day,
An extraordinary global movement for a healthier, calmer, more creative and peaceful world via Mind-Body practices affecting profound changes in the human brain and nervous system all over the planet
in over 80 nations ... from israel to iran, from the usa to russia
Be a healing part of history!
Join in World Tai Chi & Qigong Day! Last Saturday of April each year (10 am local time worldwide) in 100s of cities, spanning 80 nations, people come together, to breathe together, providing a healing vision for our world. Spread the word! WTCQD is April 27, 2019
Learn moreFind a Local Class or WTCQD Event
WorldTaiChiDay.org has connected over ONE MILLION people to local Tai Chi & Qigong teachers and schools in our effort to create a clearer, calmer, healthier world, another FREE public service to teachers and the public from World Tai Chi & Qigong Day.
Learn moreOur education resource
Can't find Tai Chi or Qigong classes in your area or that will fit your schedule?
Our Official Sponsor, SMARTaiChi.com offers DVDs, CDs, and
Books to help you get started exploring Tai Chi and Qigong.
Also, click "Student" tab on this site for helpful
information, free tutorials, etc.
Calming the Rat Race ... In Our Frazzled, Fast-Paced World ... World Tai Chi Day events literally stop the rat race
World Tai Chi
& Qigong Day ...
100s of cities, in over 80 nations
Why should we Share Tai Chi & Qigong with the world? ... THE SCIENCE IS IN!
Latest News!
Harvard Health Publications wrote: Tai chi is often described as 'meditation in motion,' but it might well be called 'MEDICATION in motion' …
We are offering free resources for individuals/teachers
Best Source for Tai Chi & Qigong Resources

Tai Chi
Tai Chi & Qg Changing People's Lives! A Profoundly Moving Video.
Click on EVENTS tab on top menu, then select "Event Listing" to find local Tai Chi and Qigong teachers/schools worldwide ... or LIST YOUR SCHOOL if you are a teacher who participates in WTCQD

World Tai Chi
"Your WTCQD email newsletters are great -- really informative, playful, energetic and fun! Some of my students also receive them."
-- John Zetterstrom,Taoist Arts Instructor, United Kingdom
Click "Join Our Newsletter at top of page to get our FREE
weekly Ezine "All Things Tai Chi & Qigong" to stay up to date on
breaking TC/QG Medical Research and other related information.
We connect the world family of Tai Chi and Qigong of all styles
through our weekly newsletter Ezine.